
Books, Books, and Moving Forward in 2019!

I read. I read all the time. But sometimes I spend to much time on social media reading about everyone else’s life. Sometimes this is good (I get great ideas) and sometimes this is bad. I should focus more on my own goals. Moving forward, I’m going to choose better reading material. I’m going to hold myself accountable and set high expectations.

In 2018, I read 24 books. Most of these books were young adult. Some were professional and some were on the middle school level. I am going to do a better job of reading more middle school books. I can do that!

A librarian’s job doesn’t stop at reading. We also need to promote! Here are a few of my favorite go to books from 2018.

I post the book cover of the books I’ve read on the media center door!

Young Adult

Middle School


How do you let the students know what book you’re reading? What books are on your “go to” list for middle school students? What professional books should I read?


Hello World and Headed Back Down the Rabbit Hole!

I couldn’t imagine going to a job that I didn’t want to go to. Instead of complaining about going back to work, I spend Christmas break dreaming of returning to work and implementing all my crazy ideas. I get so excited when students run into the library to say “Hi” and tell me about all the books they read during the break.

Does that really happen? No. (Maybe a few students.)

But I want it to. I know that if I want students to come in to see me, I have to give them a reason. Books aren’t enough. I wish it was. For most of the students, other relationships have to form. There must be trust.

One thing I purchased over the break is a letter board. I’ve been eyeing them for a while now. I picked one up at Wally World after Christmas for 66% off. I couldn’t pass it up. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it. But I know, it’ll start conversations. As soon as I unwrapped it, my daughter flocked to it. “What is that? What are you going to use it for? Can I put the words on it?”

Conversations will happen. I’m not sure where they’ll go, but the students will take the lead. And for that, I am happy!